Being a university student is quite tough when it comes to spending
and saving money. You want to go out all the time with friends but you also
need to stay in and study or you simply cannot afford to go out all the time.
This is just a quick blog post on how I decide to save money.
First of all, nights out: If you like going out to Sparrows 2-3
times a week then start pre-drinking at home first, it saves you so much money
it’s unreal. Although drinks are only £2 at Sparrows, you can get so much more
for your money if you drink at home.
Another thing which might not interest some people is not drinking
alcohol at all, you can have just as much fun if you don’t drink at all. This
is great for your liver and your body. If you’re with fun people, you’ll have a
fun time.
Necessities: You don’t really need that £45 dress from Topshop in
another colour, do you? No, so put it back. Primark, New Look, H&M etc, are
just as great shops but are so much cheaper. Additionally, Charity Shops offer
so many decent clothes right now. You can get a really nice dress from charity
shops for like £4! Bargain! Also, out of all the supermarkets, you can get
really cheap food, cleaning products from places like Lidl’s, Tescos, ASDA etc!