As Jade and I are both big animal lovers we decided to check out what animal shows they presented throughout the day. The first one was the Penguin Show and they were so cute! It was boiling hot on this day so they just decided to swim around in the water, the way they waddle when they get out is so adorable!
We then walked around the other parts of the Zoo and saw some Otters, Lions, and Monkeys and watched the Sea Lion Show. This was way too mesmerising to take pictures of; I couldn’t look away as I didn’t want to miss what they did next!

We then went on loads of other rides including my favourite, Bubble Works! Every time I came to Chessington when I was younger, I HAD to go on this ride. It brings back so many memories now, no matter how much it has changed!
The lights and colours in this ride are really pretty, Jade has a waterproof camera so we could take pictures on all of the rides we went on!
Like the Dragon Falls:
This is like the best ride ever when it’s an extremely hot day!
After this we then bought ourselves some doughnuts:
And then went on a Safari ride:
After this we went back to look at the Gorillas:
Look how small I am compared to a full size Gorilla!!!
After this we went on one last ride/attraction which was extremely trippy! Everything was moving and there were so many colours. It was so confusing!!
So this was our trip to Chessington, I had a really fun day and I hope you enjoyed this post!