
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Cheerleading Initiations

Last week our new cheerleading freshers were finally initiated! We all had to dress up and the freshers had to complete a series of obstacles and games to be initiated. The returners were dressed as services, such as Police, Fire Brigade and Nurses, and the freshers in boiler suits. We then got put into teams where returners were given a bunch of freshers to look after for the night. Here is me with TEAM 2 (WOO!!) and a picture of me with Steph, we decided to go as Police Officers.

First up the freshers had to play Chicken in a Hen House. Cami, the coach, would shout out a phrase such as ‘Mermaids’ and the freshers would then have to complete the move with their partner as soon as possible and the ones to do it last would be eliminated. Of course, with initiations, there was drinking involved but it is all safe and we didn’t push anyone who didn’t want to drink and alternatively, we didn’t let other girls drink who we thought had already had enough.

Then the freshers had to play Stuck in the Mud which is a game which bought together the freshers and the returners. After this they then had to make up a rap and sing this to the returners for deliberation, whoever had the best one won! Then they had to finish with an assort course, having to skip, hula hoop etc. until they get to the end. Once this had been completed it was time to make our way to Sparrows! This is where we met our good friends, the guys from American Football, the Mariners, and then we drunk and danced and had a great time! Here is a picture of me with some of the Mariner guys.

Initiations were great but next up is competition so it’s time to get serious! Unfortunately I am not competing in this competition but I shall update you guys after and let you know how they got on anyway! Here is a picture to finish of all the returners and freshers at Sparrows! I did not make it in time for the picture L Sad times!

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